HATTUSA / dıscoverıes & fındıngs
One of the most important discoveries at the site has been the cuneiform royal archives of clay tablets, known as the Bogazköy Archive, consisting of official correspondence and contracts, as well as legal codes, procedures for cult ceremony, oracular prophecies and literature of the ancient Near East. One particularly important tablet, currently on display at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum, details the terms of a peace settlement reached years after the Battle of Kadesh between the Hittites and the Egyptians under Ramesses II, in 1259 or 1258 BC. A copy is on display in the United Nations in New York City as an example of the earliest known international peace treaties.

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An artifact from the site of Hattusa is presented at Hattusa Museum
Large pottery
at the excavation site

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Hittite Sun

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Bull-leaping scene in Hüseyindede vases belongs to Early Hittite, approximately 1650 BC

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Hittite four-handled large terracota vase with scenes in relief depicting a sacred wedding ceremony, mid 17th century BC,

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Bronze tablet from Çorum-Boğazköy dating from 1235 BC,

Stag statuette, symbol of a Hittite male god.
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Water Cultu in Hittites and Eflatunpınar Hittite Water Monument. Hittite King IV. The Eflatunpınar Monument, built in the time of Tudhaliya, is a rare architectural water system that has survived until today without losing its function.