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Below  photos about the various battles of world war I and the armies and soldiers of the participant countries were collected from web pages to create a collection. The artists who colorised the photos are as shown on photos if the photos have watermarks.

British Cavalry is passing a temporary bridge near Brie and peron, Somme.

The Battle of the Somme is one of the most infamous battles of the First World War. The battle took place between 1 July and 18 November, 1916. After 18 months of deadlock in the trenches on the Western Front, the Allies wanted to achieve a decisive victory. In 1915, a plan was finalised for a joint British and French offensive the following year. However, the German attack against the French at Verdun meant that the British were forced to take the lead. The plan for the Somme was devised by Sir Douglas Haig and Sir Henry Rawlinson. The huge casualties suffered during the Battle of the Somme played a significant part in earning Haig the nickname 'The Butcher'.



German troops at rest in scrapes dug into the sides of a shell hole
on the western front during the great war 1918

16 May 1919, invalides - Court og Honor, the military medal is awarded to the 1st Senegalese Trailleurs Regiment

The Senegalese Tirailleurs  were a corps of colonial infantry in the French Army. They were initially recruited from Senegal, French West Africa and subsequently throughout Western, Central and Eastern Africa: the main sub-Saharan regions of the French colonial empire.[1] The noun tirailleur, which translates variously as 'skirmisher', 'rifleman', or 'sharpshooter', was a designation given by the French Army to indigenous infantry recruited in the various colonies and overseas possessions of the French Empire during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Despite recruitment not being limited to Senegal, these infantry units took on the adjective sénégalais since that was where the first black African Tirailleur regiment had been formed. The first Senegalese Tirailleurs were formed in 1857 and served France in a number of wars, including World War I (providing around 200,000 troops, more than 135,000 of whom fought in Europe and 30,000 of whom were killed[3]) and World War II (recruiting 179,000 troops, 40,000 deployed to Western Europe). Other tirailleur regiments were raised in French North Africa from the Arab and Berber populations of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco; collectively they were called tirailleurs nord-africains or Turcos. Tirailleur regiments were also raised in Indochina; they were called Vietnamese, Tonkinese or Annamites Tirailleurs.

The third battle of Aisne; French & British wounded soldiers together. Muscourt 27 may 1918

The Third Battle of the Aisne  was a battle of the German spring offensive during World War I that focused on capturing the Chemin des Dames Ridge before the American Expeditionary Forces arrived completely in France. It was one of a series of offensives, known as the Kaiserschlacht, launched by the Germans in the spring and summer of 1918.

The Battle of Arras April-May 1917
Forward scouts of the 9th Hodson's horse (Bengal Lancers) indian army, pause to consult a map near Vraignes-en-Vermandois, Somme.

The Battle of Arras (also known as the Second Battle of Arras) was a British offensive on the Western Front during the First World War. From 9 April to 16 May 1917, British troops attacked German defences near the French city of Arras on the Western Front. The British achieved the longest advance since trench warfare had begun, surpassing the record set by the French Sixth Army on 1 July 1916. The British advance slowed in the next few days and the German defence recovered. The battle became a costly stalemate for both sides and by the end of the battle, the British Third Army and the First Army had suffered about 160,000 casualties and the German 6th Army about 125,000.

A German artillery unit ploughs through the rough terrain during the spring offensive 1918
The German spring offensive, or Kaiserschlacht ("Kaiser's Battle"), also known as the Ludendorff offensive, was a series of German attacks along the Western Front during the First World War, beginning on 21 March 1918. The Germans had realised that their only remaining chance of victory was to defeat the Allies before the United States could ship soldiers across the Atlantic and fully deploy its resources. The German Army had gained a temporary advantage in numbers as nearly 50 divisions had been freed by the Russian withdrawal from the war with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.



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Troops of the Third battallion of Royal Fusuliers 85 th brigade, 28th division manning a trench near Bairakli Jum'a / Macedonia

Scottish Highlanders at a ruined schrine at Sailly labourse during the German spring offensive march-july 1918

Albert 1, King of Belgians with General Edmund Allenby inspecting a Derelict Mark 2 tank named ''Charlie Chaplin.The Mark II incorporated minor improvements over the Mark I. With the Army declaring the Mark I still insufficiently developed for use, the Mark II (for which orders were first placed in July) would continue to be built, but would be used only for training.  Due to this intended role, they were supposedly clad in unhardened steel, though some doubt was cast on this claim in early 1917.  Initially, 20 were shipped to France and 25 remained at the training ground at Wool, Dorset in Britain; the remaining five were kept for use as test vehicles. As the promised Mark IV tanks had not arrived by early 1917, it was decided, despite the protestations of Stern (see below), to ship the 25 training vehicles in Britain to France, where they joined the other 20 Mark IIs and 15 Mark Is at the Battle of Arras in April 1917. The Germans were able to pierce the armour of both the Mark I and Mark II tanks at Arras with their armour-piercing machine gun ammunition.

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