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the myths about she-wolves
luppa-lukka-sıana-asena roman, etruscan or turk?

Wolves Played an important role on the legends of various nations since the beginning of the history. They hold a special place in mythologies, as well. Many Indo-European cultures accepted the wolves as symbols of strength. 
The she-wolf depicting is especially famous by the story of Romus & Romulus who were the descendants of Aeneas who came to the end of the Tiber river after the war of Troy. But, besides, the Dacian people, who were one of Rome’s fiercest enemies, carried the wolf upon their standards into battle. Later than that, Rome, as well, used the wolf as an emblem for the Roman legions, specifically the Legio VI Ferrata, commanded by Julius Caesar.


capitoline she wolf. Musei capitolini


Romus and Romulus were the two or twin brothers who were  nursed by a Female wolf. Etruscans (Tusks) myhtholgy which was than adopted to to Italian mythology is a myth that has a feature. 
In Roman mythology, Romulus and his twin brother Remus were the children of Rhea Silvia and Mars and their story is recorded by many authors including Virgil who claims their birth and adventures were fated in order for Rome to be founded. we already know the Virgil's intentional efforts to create a powerfull background for roman empire. According to him as described in his Epic Aeneid, they were the direct descendants of Aeneas, whose fate-driven adventures to discover Italy.

According to story, King Amulius imprisoned Rhea Silvia and ordered the twins' death by means of  being thrown into the Tiber River. He ordered a servant to carry out the death sentence, but in every scenario of this myth, the servant takes pity on the twins and spares their lives. Than he places the twins into a basket onto the River Tiber, and the river carries the boys to safety.


(Here we had better remember the legends of King Sargon The Great of Akkadians and The Moses which are about the same legends with the legend of Romus & Romulus.  To be able to make a comparison plase Click here for the article about ''Sargon & Moses'')


The river god Tibernus calming the river to safe them, and lets their basket be caought by the roots of a fig tree. The twins were first discovered by a she-wolf (Luppa), who suckled them. Eventually, they were discovered and cared for by a shepherd and his wife. The legend goes on and tells us the story of how Rome was founded, but our real subject is something else. 


The Roman Lupa with Romulus & Remus on a mosaic from Apamea (Syria)

The French Etruscologist Alain Hus says, "The epochs, myths and traditions of the Etruscans were commissioned by the Roman historians to the Romans." the same truth. In other words, the person who founded Rome (Romulus) is Anatolian (Asia Minror) Etruscan. The neme of the king of the Etruscans was Tarkhon which is guite similarrly pronounced like the  common central Asian name ''Tarkan''.

The female wolf "Siana" (Cyana), which fed Romus and Romulus, is wery similar to the female wolf "Asena" in Turkish mythology.  The Roman ''Luppa'' is also guite similar with the word ''Lukka'' which means ''Wolf'' in Hittite language in Asia Minor. Lukka is also the old name of the Lycian (Lukka) civilisation in Asia Minor. Acoording to Ä°liad, the Lycian King Sarpedon  were stabbed to kill in Trojan war by Greeks, when fighting as brothers in arms with trojans.

5th century Etruscan relief of She-Wolf suckling one of the twins


Recently discovered relief from Anatolia (Turkey)

The antique sculpture exhibited today as Roman wolf, according to the researchers, is said not to be the Roman wolf.  It is a booty of war taken from an Etruscan city by the Romans. In fact, there is only one nation in the world which has myths about wolwes.

The legends of the Latins concerning the founding of the Roman city are derived from the legend of  Etruscans. Italian mythology has been passed through the Etruscans, who have proved to be Turks and are in the group of the Pre-Turks.

Almost all Turkish tribes believe that they are derived from the female wolf as a common belief. For the first time, according to a story in the common myth of Huns, the young son of Vusun KaÄŸan (King) who was killed by the Hun ruler was left in the desert and he was breastfed by a female wolf. Seeing this, the Hun has brought the kingdom back to him. The myth of ephemera derived from the female wolf reached the most competent form of Aşına (Asena-E-Çine). According to the legacy of the Göktürks, the ancestors of the ancestors are put into a quagmire after their family has been killed by their enemies as a child, and they are found and breastfed by a female wolf. Then he marries him. The ten children born on the east form the Göktürks. His family is a descendant of one of these children and he founded the Göktürk State.


Above left, Wolwes on Rock from Khazakhistan-Above right a symbol of a Turkish Tribe

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