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Teimioussa / Tristomon Ancient City / General info & History

How to go, what to do, where to stay?

When you leave the town Kaş of Antalya province and head towards Demre, you will see the '' Üçağız '' turn in the south direction after a few miles. The sign on a brown plate ''Teimussa'' can be seen too. When you get the turn from here for a while, the ramp goes down and you reach a narrow valley. You climb by driving or walking another ramp upwards to  the south again. When you land on the small, cute and '' Far from the madding crowd'' Üçağız town comes out. You can stay in the hostels here. One of the town's historical Lycian names is Tristomon & that means ''three mouths'' which is the same with the Turkish name of the town. This settlement, which was established in a small and sheltered bay, is one of the rare types of calmness today. It is close to Kekova and can be reached with tours organized from Kaş.


The history of Teimiussa couldn't be described well because there are wery few cultural & urban remainings from the ancient periods.  However, the warehouse remains of the Byzantine period were found near the historical port. It can be said that the harbor of Teimussa was a commercial port that was used to transports grain to other cities due to the fact that Üçağız is has narrow plain behind the hill where it rests. It is a plain extending up to the city of Antique andriake and it was probably a good agricultural area as it is today. Considering the coastline, it is quite easy to ship to the ancient cities such as Andriake, Antiphellos, Myra and Patara by sea. The hill to the east of the town is mostly a necropolis (Monumental cemetery) and there are many sarcophagis. 


The ancient town of Teimiussa and the location named as ''üçağız/three mouths/three accesses'' is located on the Lycian Way Walking track. For this reason, you can stay in the hostels, pensions & Hotels of the Three Mouths and can be accommodated in the villages in narrow and long plain which  located behind Teimussa. İn the modern times, the ''Lycian Way'' tracking route has played an important role in the development of the region and many entrepreneurs have built boutique hotels and hostels in the villages in the plain. Some pensions and hotels in the village of Ucagiz rent small islets in the bay and leave you there with boats to take advantage of the sea. If you are in a suitable period, you have the chance to be alone in the islet.


here comes the turn to take a trip to the ancient city of Teimussa & its necropolis. You have to climb up the hill to the east of the town. You can also see the city from above the ancient city walls. The action is more cool and enjoyable at sunset. Since the area is full of stones & rocks, make sure to wear sports shoes and suitable clothing. Don't forget the anti-mosquito spray. Walking among the monumental Lycian type tombs are pleasant but tiring.


The history of the city dates back to the ancient Lycian civilization, which is easily understood from the Lycian type sarcophagi. The fortress was rebuilt during the crusades. When you climb to this castle, you can see the smallest theater in the Lycian Union region which is  for 80 people only. The theater is carved from the rock. Üçağız or Teimussa is actually the one of ''Simena, Kekova and Teimussa trilogy''. The sunken city of Simena and Kekova is located within the same bay and can be visited by boat trips from Üçağız.

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