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Karakuş Mousoleum/Tumulus Adıyaman / Turkey

''Karakuş Tumulus'' in the town Kahta of Adıyaman province, is a mausoleum site built for the royal women members of the Kommagene Kingdom family. The tumulus was formed by accumulating  river stones. Due to the eagle statue on the column erected in the south of the 20-meter-high tumulus, it was called as karakuş by the local people and entered into the literature of culture by this name. To the east of the tumulus there are two other columns which are approximately 10 meters high. On one of the columns there used to be a bull and on the other one a lion. Today, only the statue of the bull is located on the column, of which the head has been destroyed. at the the west side of the tumulus there is a relief on which the son of emperor Anthiochos ''Mithridades'' shakes the hand of her sister Laitkike.  It is understood from the inscription on the column that the tomb belongs to Antiochus, his wife Antiochis, and his granddaughter Aka

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