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The Persians were driven out by Alexander the Great in 334 BC. Between 241 and 133 BC, the city was ruled by the Kings of Pergamon. However, in 133 BC, the Pergamons lost control of the city as it was absorbed by the Roman empire.

According to Christian tradition, St. Paul also visited the city during his third missionary journey through Asia Minor, which was between 53-57 AD, on his way to Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. Acts 20 records that Luke the Evangelist and his companions ('we') "went ahead to the ship and sailed to Assos, there intending to take Paul on board ... and when he met us at Assos, we took him on board and came to Mitylene".

From this period onwards, Assos shrunk to a small village, as it has remained ever since. Ruins around Assos continue to be excavated.

The pillars from the ancient port lay in the harbor for over a millennia. Eventually they were probably sold.

In the early 1900s an attempt was made to move the contents of the Temple of Athena. Much of the art has been moved to museums like the Louvre. The art found includes pictures both of mythical creatures and heraldic events.

Assos ve Nekropol

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In 2018, archaeologists discovered a Hellinistic undamaged family grave. the name "Aristios" was written on the cover of the grave. The grave belonged to a family of 21. One of the family members was buried normally, while the remaining 20 were cremated and their ashes were placed inside urn-like vases. The lids were sealed off with cement in order to prevent any foreign substance getting inside the urns.

Ancient Greek Family’s Grave.jpg
The findings of the 2,300-years-old grave that belongs to an ancient Greek family named ”A

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The findings of the 2,300-years-old grave that belongs to an ancient Greek family named ”Aristios”.

Many of the old buildings of Assos are in ruins today, but Behramkale (the city's modern name) is still active. It still serves as a port for the Troad. On the acropolis 238 m above sea level are the remains of the Doric order Temple of Athena, which date back to 530 BC. Six of the original 38 columns remain. West of the acropolis stands the well preserved 4th century BC city wall and main gate with 14-meter-high (46 ft) towers. An ancient paved road leads northeast through the gate to the ruins of a large 2nd-century BC gymnasium, a 2nd-century BC agora and a bouleuterion. Further south toward the seashore is a 3rd-century BC theatre built for 5,000 spectators.

Down the steep seaward side of the hill at the water's edge is the hamlet called İskele (meaning "Pier" or "Wharf"), with old stone houses now serving as inns, hostels and restaurants.

There is a small pebbly beach. There are boat tours and tours of the hamlet itself. Although the narrow road to the hamlet is steep with sheer drops, the sea front has a constant stream of cars and minibuses arriving from dawn to dusk.

In 2018, archaeologists discovered many Strigils. Some of the strigils found were iron, but most were made of bronze


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Harbour of Assos at Gulf down the hill


Harbour of Assos and Tourism


Behramkale from inside

The findings of the 2,300-years-old grave that belongs to an ancient Greek family named ”A

At the first page it is the relief from Assos which is in Louvre Museum in Paris now. and in the second photo we can see the  bowls found in a grave during the excavations in Assos. Resemblance of the Bowls is intertesting and awesome.

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