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Names Of Some Paintings by Ludwig Deutsch


  • An Orientalist Amateur, 1883 (Painting exhibited at the Salon of French Artists, and now presumed lost)

  • The Musician, 1883

  • The Sentinel, 1885

  • News from Sudan, 1885

  • The Answer, 1886

  • The Sherbert Vendor, 1886

  • The Hour of Prayer, 1887

  • The Snake Charmers, 1888

  • Court of El Azhar University, Cairo, 1890

  • The Healer, 1891

  • The Orange Seller, 1892

  • The Palace Guard, 1892

  • The Emir's Guard, 1893

  • The Domino Players, 1882

  • At Prayer, 1911

Names Of Some Paintings by Ludwig Deutsch


  • The Scribe, 1894

  • The Scholar, 1895

  • The Chess Game 1896

  • The Philosopher, 1897

  • The Offering, 1897

  • Prayer at the Tomb, 1898

  • Leaving the Mosque, 1900

  • The Learned, 1900

  • Interior of Mosque, 1902

  • The Harem Watchman 1903

  • The Koran School, 1905

  • Morning Prayer, 1906

  • The Narghil Smoker, 1907

  • Le Maitre, 1907

  • The Procession of the Mahmal through the Streets of Cairo, 1909

Ludwig Deutsch ''Detail From The Painting -The Tribute'' Oil on canvas
The Tribute is a landmark work of Orientalism.  Rich in details, the work defines the ‘constructed realism’ of which Deutsch was the master. A cortège of four figures approaches an entrance guarded by a Nubian sentinel to pay their tributes. Leading the retinue is a bearded elder with an elaborately patterned turban and babouche slippers; in his hand he bears a scroll in a protective case; its message can only be guessed. Following behind are a nobleman and a soldier. The soldier wearing the peacock-feather helmet carries a Persian Qajar ivory-hilted jambiya in his belt and an Ottoman shamshir sword with a curved blade in his hand. They are accompanied by a servant carrying the gifts to be presented, including a Qajar gold-overlaid helmet and an Ottoman yataghan as worn by the Janissary Guard. The well-armed sentinel standing guard, his yataghan exposed, carries not only a kindjal dagger but an Ottoman flintlock pistol and a powder flask in his belt. The entrance itself, presumably to a palace, incorporates many architectural elements from the portal of the Mosque of Sultan Hassan in Cairo
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